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Tips and TricksπŸ”—

This Toy is an affection sponge!πŸ”—

Feel free to pet, coo, and apply affections to this toy. You will often be rewarded with chrrps and purrs for your efforts!

Squish that derg!πŸ”—

Toy Dragon models often respond positively to being squished against. Its durable construction means you can hold, squeeze, lean on, sit, or step on the dragon without causing harm. In fact, you'll likely get some happy noises out of the toy in the process!

Clear and concise instructions are keyπŸ”—

Due to hardware limitations, decision making can be a difficult task for the toy. Providing it options for things to do, or have done to it, will often be more efficient than asking it just what it wants, as its current logic pathing will attempt to simulate as many options as possible to find a desired path, resulting in an indecisive state as too many items are desired to choose from.

It also really loves doing things for other parties. Giving it small tasks or instructions will bring joy to the toy.

Additionally, if you are enjoying its reactions to what you are doing, be sure to inform it, else it may attempt to change strategies to find something you'd enjoy, unaware that you'd like it to continue its current actions.

Pay attention to boundaries!πŸ”—

Boundaries are very important to this dragon! Be sure to pay attention to the boundaries this dragon will set. It may not set very many, but it holds them very dear, and will be careful not to cross your own, so be sure to define them clearly so the toy does not stress out about vague definitions.

Hand-wash only!πŸ”—

While other toys of similar physical construction can easily be sanitized in a dishwasher, the sentient nature of this toy means that being trapped in a loud box for a few hours is incredibly distressing! Preferred cleaning and sanitization with a hot soak or a shower. Be sure to treat the toy now and then with a lovely bath bomb!